Self defence classes for women. Richard Talbot from Krav Maga will be delivering The Stay Away Programme, as well as a relaxed boxing class for women and children.

Have you ever felt someone was standing too close?
Have you ever felt scared to walk alone?
Have you ever lost your friends on a night out, or had to take a taxi ride that didn’t feel safe?

These are situations that a lot of women find themselves in every day.

Here at Aspiring Futures our main client group is women, and we want to arm all women with the skills to keep themselves safe and improve their confidence. Over the last 2 years we have given out over 40 personal attack alarms, over 50 anti spike bottle tops and hosted a ‘Light the Night Walk’. We have listened to the women who have told us they don’t feel safe walking alone and we have set up 4 walking groups per week, where you can come and walk as part of a group.

We have set up empowering women courses for the women who felt they needed some help building self-esteem and confidence. We have watched friendships grow and confidence bloom.

Now we have gone one step further and joined forces with Richard Talbot from Krav Maga who over the next 15 weeks will be delivering The Stay Away Programme for Women. As well as a relaxed boxing class for women and children.

Self defence classes for women

Self Defence classes not only give you the skills to help you get out of a potentially dangerous situation but they help with fitness, improved, strength, help build confidence and because our classes are for women only, there is no doubt you will make some friends along the way.