Information, Advice & Guidance
Aspiring Futures empowers women and girls to have the confidence and skills to follow their aspirations. We can help you to discover and make decisions on services you are interested in, based on your individual needs, circumstances and interests.
We provide clear, relevant and up to date information on the phone, online or face to face.
For an initial free and confidential chat, please call us on 01902 458770 / 07557 667609, send a message or speak to us on the Live Chat now
Aspiring Futures helped me to see things from a different perspective and as a result I changed my lifestyle and learnt about new ways to cope with things
Useful numbers
NHS: 111 or 999 (in emergency only)
Police: 101 or 999 (in emergencies only)
Male DV Advice Line
0808 801 0327
Broken Rainbow (Survivors of same sex abuse)
0300 999 5428
Recovery Near You (Support with substance abuse)
0300 200 2400
Forced Marriage Unit
0207 008 0151
Housing Options (Homeless services)
01902 554 757
Victim Support
0808 168 9111
01902 426 422 (24 hours a day)
Citizens Advice Bureau
01902 572 006
The Haven Helpline
08000 194 400
Guidance and advice are delivered in accordance with the nationally recognised Matrix standard and the Aspiring Futures Information Sharing Policy, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and Children’s Policy.